Words o Wisdom

Application Ekran:
Words o Wisdom
Application Ətraflı:
Version: 1.0
Tarixi Upload: 14 Jun 11
Lisenziya: Pulsuz
Məşhurluq: 44
Boy: 71 Kb

Rating: 2.5/5 (Total Votes: 4)

Words o Wisdom - Words o'Wisdom Funny və ya seyrçi atalar sözləri, quotes, və ya kəlamlar təsadüfi tərtib. Çəkinin! istehza ola bilər!


Only for newer (MIDP2.0) devices. Based on sayings coming with the Linux fortune program.

NOTE:This program is sponsored by advertisers. Adverts are shown at program start and exit. The program will connect to the internet from time to time for downloading new ads (each time, you will be asked to allow internet access). Depending on your mobile data plan, this will result in normal connection charges with your mobile telephony operator. )

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